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Cassie's Critters & Creations

Hypnum Moss

Hypnum Moss

Regular price $16.00 USD
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Hypnum cupressiforme, commonly known as Cypress-Leaved Plaitmoss or simply Hypnum Moss, is a terrestrial favorite among pond lovers and terrarium enthusiasts. Unlike its aquatic counterparts, this lush, feather-like moss adorns the land, offering a soft carpet of vibrant greenery that enhances the aesthetic of any terrestrial setup. Ideal for the humid environments favored by reptiles and amphibians, Hypnum Moss introduces a naturally insulating layer that nurtures a microclimate of biodiversity.

Key Features:

  • Terrarium and Paludarium Enhancement: Specifically adapted for humid, land-based environments, it accentuates the naturalistic setting of your vivarium and grows easily at the banks of your pond.
  • Velvety Fronds: With its plush texture, Hypnum moss adds a tactile richness and depth, enhancing the aesthetic and inviting interaction.
  • Simplified Maintenance: Robust and forgiving, it's suited to those seeking to infuse their enclosures with greenery without the intricate care requirements.
  • Humidity Haven: Hypnum moss helps retain substrate moisture, crucial for many terrarium and paludarium inhabitants.
  • Versatile Use: Attach this moss to rocks, wood, or other decorations to add height and depth to your amphibian or reptile enclosure.

Size: This moss tends to form expansive mats that can be tailored to fit the design of any setup.

Care Level: Low. Hypnum cupressiforme flourishes in conditions that mimic its natural habitat—moist, well-aerated substrates and shaded or dappled light. Perfect for the vivarium hobbyist or pond enthusiast looking to balance beauty with ease of care.

Whether for dressing the floor of a terrarium, enhancing the borders of a paludarium, growing along the waterfall of a pond, or creating a moisture-rich backdrop for your amphibious pets, Hypnum cupressiforme is a versatile and enchanting choice that promises to transform your pond or enclosure into a thriving microcosm of life.

Price is for 8-10 oz.

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