Cassie's Critters & Creations

Banana Worm Starter Culture

Banana Worm Starter Culture

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price $6.00 USD Sale price $6.00 USD
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Boost Your Aquatic Feeding Regime

Panagrellus nepenthicola

Specially cultivated for the health and vitality of your aquatic pets, Banana Worms offer a highly nutritious and easily digestible feeding option. These tiny nematodes, ideal for fry and small fish, are an excellent source of protein and essential nutrients, promoting growth and vibrant coloration in your aquatic inhabitants.

Key Features:

  • High Nutritional Value: Rich in protein, Banana Worms provide a balanced diet, essential for the growth and health of your aquatic pets.
  • Ideal for Fry and Small Fish: Due to their small size, Banana Worms are perfect for feeding fry and smaller fish species, ensuring even the tiniest of your aquatic community are well-nourished.
  • Easy to Cultivate and Maintain: Our Banana Worms culture is simple to cultivate and maintain, making it a convenient and sustainable food source for your aquarium.

Size: 40 µ diameter 1,500 µ length 

Banana Worms are a superb choice for aquarists looking to enrich their feeding practices with a high-quality, natural food source.

Price is for 1/4 cup starter culture.

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