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Cassie's Critters & Creations

Alternanthera reineckii 'Variegated'

Alternanthera reineckii 'Variegated'

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price $13.00 USD Sale price $13.00 USD
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Red Temple Plant

Step into an aquascape adorned with the rich hues of Alternanthera reineckii 'variegated'. This aquatic gem stands out with its intricate pattern of green and crimson, interwoven with creamy white streaks, creating a beautiful mosaic that elevates the visual appeal of any aquarium.

Key Features:

  • Vivid Variegation: Unlike its 'mini' counterpart, the 'variegated' showcases a captivating blend of colors that change intensity based on lighting and nutrients.
  • Midground Star: Perfectly positioned in the midground, it becomes a focal point that draws the eye and adds depth to your layout.
  • Easy Care: Adaptable and hardy, this plant thrives in a range of water conditions, making it suitable for both novice and experienced aquascapers.
  • Adaptable: Leave this plant unpruned and watch it grow up and out of your tank into beautiful red vines with spiky green balls that are tiny clusters of flowers called inflorescencesPerfect for paludariums.

Care Level: Intermediate. While not overly demanding, it thrives best with CO₂ supplementation, regular fertilization, and adequate lighting.

Size: Recommended for medium to large-sized tanks. Grows to an average height of 8-12 inches (20-30 cm), but can grow taller and even outside the aquarium if provided with good lighting.

Price is for 5 stems 2+" tall. Submerged version.

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