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Cassie's Critters & Creations

Fairy Moss

Fairy Moss

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price $10.00 USD Sale price $10.00 USD
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Enhance Your Water Garden

Azolla filiculoides

Dive into the world of aquatic gardening with Fairy Moss, a distinctive and ecologically beneficial plant from freshwater environments. Known for its ability to naturally pull nitrogen from the atmosphere, this floating fern not only beautifies your pond or aquarium but also contributes to a healthier aquatic ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • Nitrogen Fixation Superpower: Fairy Moss has a unique ability to absorb nitrogen directly from the air, enriching the water and promoting a balanced ecosystem.
  • Striking Color Transformation: Watch as its foliage changes hues from vibrant green to shades of red and bronze throughout the year, adding dynamic color to your water garden.
  • Effortless Maintenance: This hardy plant thrives with minimal care, making it perfect for both novice and experienced gardeners.
  • A Haven for Aquatic Life: Its dense mat provides an ideal habitat for microorganisms, offering a natural food source for fish, a safe haven for fry or shrimp, and a breeding ground for beneficial aquatic insects.
  • Adaptable Growth: Whether in a small pond or a large aquarium, Fairy Moss adjusts to various water conditions, effortlessly floating on the surface or attaching to damp surfaces.

Care Level: Easy. Fairy Moss is resilient and adaptable, thriving in a range of light and temperature conditions.

Size: Each individual frond of Fairy Moss is quite tiny, often measuring only about 1 to 2 centimeters across. However, when these plants group together, they can form extensive mats that cover the water surface.

Price is for 2-4 oz.

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